
    The 15th meeting of the Spectrum Expert Working Group

    • 06/10/23

    The 15th meeting of SEWG took place in Prague, Czech Republic, on 2-4 May 2023. The meeting
    was held in a hybrid format, so the representatives of all the EaP countries could join discussions
    and share their views.
    In a two-day SEWG meeting, experts discussed positions on the WRC-23 agenda, authorization of radio
    spectrum for 5G, QoS requirements for IMT, 2G/3G switch-off aspects, success stories of T-DAB
    technology development, current spectrum-related activities, and insights from the Body of European
    Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
    RSPG, EC DG CNECT, EBU, and other issues.
    The third day was dedicated to the workshop. EU4Digital team introduced 5G security Toolbox
    and implementation examples in the EU.
    The possibilities of extension of the frequency band considered in the Regional Spectrum Agreement
    RSA was discussed. RSA would set a harmonized freeing-up and usage of 700 MHz and 3.5 GHz
    bands for 5G development in EaP countries, with a possibility to include other frequency bands, which
    is of mutual importance and relevance for both EaP and EU countries.
    The next SEWG meeting is planned to be held virtually, in November.