
    Dublin, the welcoming capital of Ireland, hosted the 21st Plenary session of the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (EaPeReg)

    • 06/06/23

    Representatives from 19 countries, encompassing over 50 participants from authorities who serve as telecommunications regulators, attended this event.

    During the meeting, the 2023 EaPeReg Chair, Georgian National Communications Commission (ComCom), along with the Communications Regulatory Authority (ComReg) of Ireland as Vice-Chair, provided updates on the progress made in the first half of 2023 and activities planned for the second half of the year. One of the sessions in the Agenda was devoted to the reports delivered by the Chairs of the expert working groups – Spectrum Experts Working Group (SEWG), Roaming Experts Working Group, and Independence of Regulators and Broadband Experts Working Group, who informed the meeting about the progress of their work in the main areas of EaPeReg activity.    

    Representatives of the European Commission, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Body of the European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), European Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG), and the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) updated the participants about recent developments and future plans in their respective areas of competence, shared their views on the importance and results of cooperation with EaPeReg, as well as perspectives to enhance the collaborative efforts and increase the visibility of the joint work. Leader of the EU4Digital Expert Team presented the latest developments and plans related to the main workstreams.    

    Furthermore, the Plenary participants discussed the organization of a four-lateral summit involving BEREC and EaPeReg and the eventual subject matter for this event, as considered important by all the parties. The Plenary brought to discussion several organizational issues related to the Network’s visibility and rules of procedure and expressed their support for Moldova’s candidacy to assume EaPeReg Chairmanship in 2024. Concluding the proceedings, it was announced that the 22nd EaPeReg Plenary Meeting would be hosted by Georgia.