Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (EaPeReg) and European Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG), represented by Oleksandr Zhyvotovskyi, EaPeReg Chair 2021 (Chair of NCCIR, Ukraine) and João Cadete de Matos, EMERG Chair 2021 (ANACOM President, Portugal) formally signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in a ceremony which took place virtually on 3 December 2021 at the EaPeReg Plenary meeting in Kyiv (Ukraine).
During the bilateral meeting in Dubrovnik (Croatia) on 29 October, 2021 EaPeReg and EMERG agreed to formalize the ongoing cooperation on topics of common interest, aiming at exchanging experiences and best practices, debating the current and future regulatory challenges, approximating to the European regulatory framework. All in all, the cooperation relates to the following areas:
- promotion of competition in markets, services and infrastructures
- ongoing digital transformation
- QoS and the QoE of communication networks and services
- connectivity and the 5G Regulations / NRA experiences with 5G
- broadband deployment and promotion of NGA/VHCN roll-out
- consumers’ protection with focus on new services / Open Internet and digital platforms
- International Roaming & International termination rates (IMTR).
In addition, the MoU allows to develop further working relationships between different Experts Working Groups, such as the ones on International Roaming, which have already launched consultations on sharing their respective initiatives in that field.