In the framework of the BEREC-EaPeReg-EMERG-Regulatel Summit in Dubrovnik on 29 September, representatives of the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (EaPeReg) met with their counterparts from the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC). During the meeting, the sides discussed several issues of common interest.
In particular, the topics discussed during the meeting included:
Spectrum Management (sharing of EU practices on 5G strategies/pilot projects investigation, implementation of 5G corridors, etc),
International Roaming and termination rates (MTR, IMTR) regulation (BEREC’s input to EU-EaP Roaming Study and implementation of its recommendations, practical WS/training for REWG on roaming data collection, etc),
Independence of National Regulatory authorities (BEREC support in the consistent implementation of EU principles, Broadband deployment and promotion of NGA/VHCN roll-out).
Market analysis.
Oranisational matters were also discussed, such as the holding of regular meetings, provison of EU best practices, advising the sides during the preparation of strategies and working plans.